Tag Archives: Homebrew

USB Power For Your 12V Circuits

If your desk is anything like mine you have a pile of USB cables and chargers squirrelled away in a drawer. These are great for powering 5V or 3.3V circuits, especially when paired with one of the USB power sticks that have become so popular. But what about circuits that require a little more voltage? …

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DuWayne's Place

Computers, Electronics, and Amateur Radio from KC3XM

QRP HomeBuilder - QRPHB -

Computers, Electronics, and Amateur Radio from KC3XM

Open Emitter

Computers, Electronics, and Amateur Radio from KC3XM

Ripples in the Ether

Emanations from Amateur Radio Station NT7S

m0xpd's 'Shack Nasties'

Computers, Electronics, and Amateur Radio from KC3XM